dwo8C5z2 |
Posted: Fri 20:54, 25 Mar 2011 Post subject: Love Recipe to simplify your life |
They are guaranteed to simplify your life and make is easier for you to hold on to yourself.
1 CUP Identify Your Values
1) Make a list of your top 10 values...love, honesty, fun, freedom, intimacy, $$, family; whatever they happen to be.
2) Prioritize your list. Put at the top of your list those values that are the most meaningful to your fulfillment.
3) Write your top 3 values on a sticky note.
4) Place the sticky note on calendar that you refer to when scheduling your time.
2 CUPS Commit only to the opportunities and events that are in alignment with the values on your sticky note.
I know what your thinking. But Michelle...
What about those other things I value and want
Important things won't get done
If I don't do them no one else will
But, I should...
But, they will be upset, offended, hurt.
I have only one response...NOTHING ELSE MATTERS!!!
Your top 3 values will add to your life, will enrich your experiences, will bring you new vitality and a surge of creativity that will ensure your success, while empower you to love more deeply and give more freely.
Now that's a recipe for success.
Love yourself enough to be true to you!!!
Because you will have aligned with who you are meant to be and this is the most loving gift you can give to yourself, your loved ones, and the world. These are the months to choose wisely, practice discernment and engage in over the top self care so that you can be an expression of love.
Think about this with me.
Remember those times...When you over commit yourself, your kids, and over commit to your clients,Burberry Scarves,
When you said yes to invitations,
When you did things you know you did not want to do
Now ask yourself...
Were you fully present to enjoy and create meaningful connections OR were you so tired and resentful of the loss of your freedom?
Were you able to give and receive: love, compassion and serve your clients in a way that was truly valuable OR was your heart closed and were you left feeling more alone, isolated and unfulfilled or upset and discontent?
Committing your time, your energy, your gifts & yourself
just because you were invited, because you can't say no, and worse yet, because you are placing more value on the requests and feelings of another person is nothing more than a recipe for strained, depleting and unsatisfying experiences.
Follow this love recipe and enjoy meaningful connections |